Tag Archives,,en,A n c o r a u n a v o l t a was a great #kumbamela of Cannabis,,it,A huge flow of people who,,it,driven by an almost mystical dynamic,,it,it poured into the Pavilions of the Cornella Fair in Barcelona,,it,in Catalonia,,it,animated by a great common force,,it,that of the most amazing plant on the planet,,it,The numbers of what is the leading trade fair in Europe and among the most relevant in the world are always impressive,,it,on an area of ​​approx,,it,m2 more than,,it,visitors per day and almost,,it,local and international companies active in the cannabis industry,,it,But what is striking about this Fifteenth Edition is the perfect syntonic fusion that has been created over time between the City of Barcelona,,it: legislation

Il Primo Referendum Autofiorente della Storia italiana: Quando la Consapevolezza produce Giustizia >*

L’appuntamento era fissato a Settembre. But, più che altro, per seguire, in Commissione Giustizia, la votazione del testo base del Decreto Cannabis (Perantoni), che si era arenata prima della pausa estiva, e cercare di mettere pressione a QuestoParlamento, prima che la fine della legislatura tornasse a bloccare la ruota del #DirittodiCannabis in Italia.

E invece, niente. Anzi TuTTo!!!

Sembra che la ruota del #DirittodiCannabis in Italia, nel giro di qualche giorno, abbia preso a correre come una MotoGuzzi >*

O, if you prefer, sembra che abbia iniziato a fiorire come uno Strain Autofiorente a Fioritura Ultra – Rapida >>*

Prima In Commissione Giustizia viene votato (finalmente) il testo base sulla proposta di regolamentazione dell’AUTOCOLTIVAZIONE di Cannabis ( 4 piante), che potrebbe forse segnare l’inizio della dismissione della 309 of 90, la legge tossica di Craxi e di Muccioli, la legge medievale del regime morale, la legge che ha devastato un numero incalcolabile di giovani vite.

Rappresentando forse il primo piccolo passo nel cammino di Sprigionamento del Diritto di Cannabis in Italia.

And then, pochi giorni dopo, il Lancio del #referendumcannabis, per costringere, in caso di riuscita, il Parlamento a riformare la legge.

Come in una sorta di “Tenaglia Macedone”, la strategia militare dell’attacco del nemico da lati opposti.

Un Referendum in cui, grazie all’emendamento del DL Semplificazioni, è possibile per la prima volta raccogliere le firme attraverso una piattaforma digitale.

Potremmo definirlo “Il Primo Referendum Autofiorente della Storia italiana“.
Più di 100.000 sottoscrizioni nel primo giorno di raccolto.
E quasi la metà dell’obbiettivo della campagna (500.000 FIRME) raggiunto nelle prime 48 ore!!
Devo confessare che non sembra neanche vero, sembra quasi un sogno.
Ma d’altro canto è pure vero che qui, su 0nAir Planet, siamo fatti così: siamo quelli che pensano che i Sogni non siano altro che il Risveglio da certi Incubi della Realtà.
E dunque, aiutiamoci reciprocamente ad avere un Buon Risveglio >*
Dai >*
Si PUO’ firmare on-line, si accettano SPID e Firme Digitali.
È gradito ogni forma di sostegno.
No Perdi/tempo e Indifferenti.
Astenersi non conviene…….
La Consapevolezza produce Giustizia >*

Esseì 4 #CannabisRight



Ecco a voi il>*NumeroTre>*Alla Luce Del Sole

A t t u a l m e n t e i n D i s t r i b u z i o n e i n E d i c o l a (by AENNE PRESS DISTRIBUTORE) e nei GROW-SHOP (by I-grow DISTRIBUTOR) NUMBER THREE OnAir “ALLA LUCE DEL SOLE” al nuovo prezzo straordinario e politico di 0,99 cent.
The first of THREE HUNDRED READERS OnAir we have come to find joyful & rivoluzionari nel nostro stand a CanapaInMostra a Napoli lo hanno già ricevuto insieme a UN SEME DI CANNABIS da Collezione del tipo CRITICAL femminizzata OFFERTO da ROYAL QUEEN SEEDS >*
Altri DUEMILA SEMI FEMMINIZZATI da COLLEZIONE della ROYAL QUEEN SEEDS saranno omaggiati con il NUMERO 4, in distribuzione da GENNAIO 2016, al costo di copertina di 0,99 centesimi di euro!!!! -(L’iniziativa è riservata ad un Pubblico Adulto)-
Vi aspettiamo quindi in Edicola e nei GROW-SHOP e non vediamo l’ora di essere letti dal maggior numero di lettori e di stoners italiani >* 😉
We will continue to produce critical thinking on the inconsistencies of Prohibition Nostrano and we will continue to give off pure sound of inner freedom, to enjoy without any fear of the many and majestic property of AMAZING PLANT which is dedicated OnAir>*
Cosa Aspettate ??? Correte a procurarvi OnAir NumeroTre e ad informarvi sull’uscita del NumeroQuattro >*!!!

Nuovacopertinan.3 copia

| 10 | Editoriale
| 14 | Il sogno della locusta
| 16 | Cosa succede in città
| 20 | La nuova legge italiana sulla Cannabis
| 28 | I 190 firmatari della legge
| 30 | Medical Cannabis Bike Tour, – peace, love and pedals –
| 38 | The Amazing Story of Ganja Jo
| 46 | Regina Josè Galindo
| 50 | Canapa in Mostra
| 56 | AMS Traffic
| 58 | Custom Art Rolling Papers: SNAIL
| 60 | Senz’Ansia.it
| 62 | Rototom Sunsplash
| 66 | Indica Sativa Trade III
| 70 | Guy McPherson e la funzione demoniaca del potere
| 74 | La Vuoi Passare o no? di Giancarlo Cecconi
| 82 | Il sorriso dell’ignoto lettore

The army that might like> *


Q u e s t o è u n m o m e n t o s t o r i c o.

E questo è sicuramente l’esercito che potrebbe piacerci!

Arrives marijuana State: will be produced by the Army
Green light to the cultivation of cannabis for therapeutic use The choice fell on the factory for chemical weapons in Florence.
Crops controlled by the state will allow to check the products and lower prices of medicines
The state will produce marijuana for therapeutic use. For a paradox of history, to produce it will be the Italian army: will be cultivated from a chemical military Florence. The origins date back to the pharmaceutical institute 1853, when in Turin was set up a deposit of Pharmacy Military.
Today the plant Florentine, created with the aim of producing medicines for the military, has extended its activity to civil. And now produce drugs derived from cannabis currently imported from abroad at high cost. The green light was given by the Defence Ministers of Health and Roberta Pinotti and Beatrice Lorenzin, after several controversies and delays. The news will be made official by September.
Pinotti (Pd) had long since given its ok. Lorenzin (Ncd) was more cautious, not only for a cultural approach different: especially because the issues that his ministry faces are different and very delicate from the technical point of view. Had been set up a working group where the issue was discussed with the institute pharmaceutical military. Now, explain to the ministry of Health, are in the process of drafting the implementing protocols. At this point, it is possible that within the 2015 cannabinoid drugs will already be available in pharmacies Italian.
Yet this conclusion did not seem so peaceful: it was feared to be a part of the majority that would open the doors to the liberalization of soft drugs. But clarified that this is not the case, the deal is off. Minister Lorenzin has always said that "from the point of view of pharmacological, there are problems with the therapeutic use of cannabis: no one doubts the benefits, but should be treated as a drug ". In conclusion, it is not smoke a pipe, but growing and production controlled and monitored by a structure, even military.
Health Minister, that defines a person's "open mind" and not locked in ideological preconceptions, as demonstrated well on heterologous fertilization, does not accept that this matter will agitate cultural battles with the aim of liberalizing soft drugs. "My impression is that in this country you can not speak in themes in lay terms and aseptic, without starting to talk about liberalization ».
Unlike the case of facilitating the use of cannabis for therapeutic use, in particular the use of so-called cannabinoid drugs for pain relief in cancer patients or HIV and to treat the symptoms of diseases such as multiple sclerosis, sla, glaucoma. Why this is the goal that brings the breakthrough of entrusting to a military structure of marijuana cultivation and production of drugs derived.

Many distrust towards Lorenzin minister had come from environments Radicals and even the Democratic Party. Was told that the head of the Health restrained, slowed this solution, instead he saw his colleague Pinotti immediately agreed.
Senator Luigi Manconi the Democratic Party was one of the most critical: remains wary because he wants to see if it will go to the end in this choice. It was he who proposed a law to allow the cultivation of cannabis by persons authorized, just as the chemical plant pharmaceutical military Florence. "In conditions, then, of absolute safety, but the minister Lorenzin delayed in giving a positive response in the face of a consensus statement by the Minister Pinotti ».
Now there was a positive response in the coming weeks and will be officially announced.
Who in recent years has insisted on this solution, as the radical Rita Bernardni, pointed out the high costs and the difficulty of finding the cannabinoid drugs.

Indeed only 60 people in Italy had access to cannabis for therapeutic use by the local health authorities.


I n M a t e RivoluzioneDiOgnuor i a d i D i r i t t o d i C a n n a b i s in Italy it seems that the incongruity and absurdity of certain judgments of appeal and first instance depend on the schizophrenia of the highest degree of judgment:


Taking up an interesting reflection of the lawyer ZAINA, Here are two sentences, the first dated 8 April 2014, n.33835, and the second exactly two days after, n.16019, claiming two opposing principles. Of these two principles, we will not occur degrees to recognize that apparently incorrect, aberrante e, I say we let, “against nature”!

THE FIRST PRINCIPLE: relating to the cultivation of Cannabis, must be ruled out for the punishment of all those activities that they are harmless and do not specifically represent, they give a social, it a risk of harm to any.

THE SECOND PRINCIPLE: conduct is socially offensive and therefore necessarily to prosecute and punish any unauthorized activity of growing cannabis plants.

The behavior can be evaluated as harmless, and then you can rule out the punishment, exclusively when the plant cultivated not possess active (sic!)

We leave it to you “l’arduo” task of discerning right from wrong, water from wine, Nettles jasmine. And ask yourself the simple question: “if a plant is literally their active, when does a plant can have no active ingredient?”

The answer at the next Court of Cassation.

We OnAir, “dream” it's a sensible answer…