Tag Archives,,en,A n c o r a u n a v o l t a was a great #kumbamela of Cannabis,,it,A huge flow of people who,,it,driven by an almost mystical dynamic,,it,it poured into the Pavilions of the Cornella Fair in Barcelona,,it,in Catalonia,,it,animated by a great common force,,it,that of the most amazing plant on the planet,,it,The numbers of what is the leading trade fair in Europe and among the most relevant in the world are always impressive,,it,on an area of approx,,it,m2 more than,,it,visitors per day and almost,,it,local and international companies active in the cannabis industry,,it,But what is striking about this Fifteenth Edition is the perfect syntonic fusion that has been created over time between the City of Barcelona,,it: and then
And’ l’ora del TRE!
C’ è u n m o m e n t o s p e c i a l e n e l l a n o s t r a g i o r n a t a.
Per alcuni è un rito, per altri solo una piacevole e non convenzionale abitudine.
And’ l’ora del TRE > *
Secret Cup>*Napoli*15|feb|15
-The SECRET CUP is a moment of COMPARISON between lovers cultivation-
The spirit of the initiative aims to generate, through a free exchange of information, practices and to know, a formative value collective and common growth.
There is a Antiprohibitionism facade
A '”activism easy ", rosewater, done for trend, for fashion or, worse, for personal convenience. It 'a kind of commitment that this usually ends when begins the daily necessitiesty to get to the bottom, to put your heart, to go beyond the narrow limits of his own brain & the own backyard
And it is with that DEEP PRIDE CANNABICO
OnAir -Visioni&Revolutions x Rebuild the Planet- Exclusive Media Sponsor dell’Evento,
NE ANNOUNCES THE CONDUCT for the next month of FEBRUARY in Naples::::::::::::::::::::::: >*
DO NOT MISS, if you can
work in progress—–> Numerodue
….and will stand ready at power and tasting for early March
…Ssshhh! It airs> * The editorial NumeroZero OnAir
… s s h h h ! A b b a s s a r e l ’ a u d i o e s t e r n o , regular spots, turn on the light of attention.
And will in onda: On Air.
Welcome to this first transmission, from our studies, in free frequency modulation psychic. In this space, which may be of a few minutes as a few days, according to your tastes and desires, we will disseminate and support thoughts and ideas and to promote ecological practices of defense and improvement of the natural and human, physical and mental. We will discuss environmentally sustainable development and a lower decrease happy, green economy but also education, network and rights. Based on the awareness of the infinite value of human potential, we intend to contribute to the spread of a culture of human dignity, and come out in defense of any claim denied, against absolutism, and against Prohibition,, against the arrogance of power.
We think it's important, now more than ever, Do not hold your radio off, but concretely commit to convey these principles. Convinced of the profound and indissoluble bond between living and living environment, and the evident necessity to transform our behavior as human species, we think that the best way to get out of any crisis, the main way to transform obstacles into resources and poisons in medicines, is the ancient way of inner revolution: the escape of their human potential.
Then send the waves of freedom of thought and creative expression. Lovers of creativity in all its forms, defend the right to self-determination of every human being ... and in our "program" will talk about law and Cannabis, ma anche di Antropologia e di Religione, Politics and Society, Art and Gardening, of Music, Philosophy, Poetry and even Soccer…But, make no mistake, we will always, with the spirit to have no truth in your pocket, but always in search of the best questions, visions of the most enriching. And always with a genuine desire to light up a little 'more and a little' better the journey, leaving the ether, through which we transmit our frequencies, sempre un po’ più pulito e un po’ più “fragrante” dopo ogni trasmissione.
Because, one knows, ether, as the environment, answers you. Always.
Good rice-transmissions to all, and that Buddhahood is with all of us>* 😉
On Air >* 2014