Tag Archives,,en,A n c o r a u n a v o l t a was a great #kumbamela of Cannabis,,it,A huge flow of people who,,it,driven by an almost mystical dynamic,,it,it poured into the Pavilions of the Cornella Fair in Barcelona,,it,in Catalonia,,it,animated by a great common force,,it,that of the most amazing plant on the planet,,it,The numbers of what is the leading trade fair in Europe and among the most relevant in the world are always impressive,,it,on an area of ​​approx,,it,m2 more than,,it,visitors per day and almost,,it,local and international companies active in the cannabis industry,,it,But what is striking about this Fifteenth Edition is the perfect syntonic fusion that has been created over time between the City of Barcelona,,it: number four

released in 2016 e disponibile anche online il NumeroQuattro*>Il Seme Giusto

A t t u a l m e n t e i n D i s t r i b u z i o n e i n E d i c o l a (by AENNE PRESS DISTRIBUTORE) e nei GROW-SHOP (by I-grow DISTRIBUTOR) IL NUMERO QUATTRO di OnAir “IL SEME GIUSTO” al nuovo prezzo straordinario e politico di 0,99 cent dedicated to the Cannabis Seeds (indicates, Ruderalis, Sativa) and the plants resulting therefrom, many valuable resources for use, soprattutto quello MEDICO.
In questo numero anche:
La Carta dei Diritti
La ricetta del Rick Simpson Oil
L’impresa di Paradise Seeds in Cile
report su “A che punto è la Notte?”
e interventi dell’Avv. Carlo Alberto Zaina, Mario Capanna, Marcello Baraghini & Tante Visioni Alternative dell’Essere