“because marijuana was prohibited”


Of marijuana (Spanish), o cannabis (latino) o hemp (English) is a plant that could be called miraculous, and has a long history as much as that of humanity. The only plant that can be grown at any latitude, from the equator to Scandinavia, has many healing properties, grows fast, it costs very little to maintain, provides a high quality oil (easy to digest), and has provided, the most ancient civilizations up to the beginning of the last century, approximately 80 percent of each type of paper, textile fiber, and fuel that mankind has ever used.

And then, what happened? And’ success in that period occurred the dramatic overtaking industry to the detriment of agriculture, and this overtaking cannabis was clearly the victim number one.

The nascent US industry groups aimed mainly to the exploitation of oil for energy (Standard Oil – Rockefeller), of forest resources for paper (editore Hearst), and man-made fibers for clothing (Dupont) - All areas in which they had invested large amounts of money. But they faced, each on its own soil, This powerful opponent, and joined it to form an alliance strong enough to beat it.
The only way to be able to slice through the legs of a giant of that size proved the Ban. Lawlessness. He left then a media operation of demonization, Quick, extended ed efficace (“drug of the devil”, “damn grass” etc.. ), thanks to the same Hearst newspapers (is the famous character of Citizen Kane / Kane, di O. Wells), who had one in almost every major city. Sensitive to the cash, and always looking for topics easy to hold popular, Hollywood followed suit willingly to maneuver, contributing decisively to put the seal on the coffin of cannabis (a sin. the poster of the movie “Marijuana: killer of youth – Un tiro, party, a tragedy”).

The moral condemnation was traveling fast and unchallenged from coast to coast (there was no counter!), and from there on to pass a law that would put cannabis was outlawed child's play. Also because it seems that three-quarters of the senators who approved the famous “Marijuana Tax Act” of 1937, still in force, did not know that marijuana and cannabis were the same: it was the genius of Hearst to introduce the nickname, shuffling the cards for the occasion.
The fact is that from that moment Dupont flooded the market with its synthetic fibers (nylon, teflon, lycra, kevlar, All trademarks are original Dupont), the car market is finally addressed the use of the gasoline engine (the first engine built to work with Diesel fuel plant), and Hearst began the systematic destruction of the forests of South America, wood from which he drew in a short time the paper enough to bring down the little that was left of competition.

The choir of benefactors joined the consortium later tobacconists, who generously offered to remedy all of a sudden "market gap" with a product one hundred times more harmful than cannabis itself.

E le “Multinational” Today, that strongly influence all major Western governments, are not the direct descendants of the historical alliance, born in the '30s, among the great industrial families. (If someone were to ask why did not the cannabis is legalized for medical use, that, despite the positive findings in that regard).

As a textile product, Cannabis is about four times softer than cotton, four times more hot, it has three times the tear strength, takes infinitely more, has fire retardant properties, and requires no pesticide for growing. Come fuel, with the same return, costs about one-fifth, and as support for printing approximately one-tenth.

We made the deal of the century.
Written by Massimo Mazzucco for luogocomune.net

Massimo Mazzucco, Italian film director and journalist, runs from 2003 Website Luogocomune.net, engaged in the dissemination of conspiracy theories.
In the 2011 wrote and produced the video The true story of Marijuana.
Source: Luogocomune.net

Full documentary al link

Hemp! Here are those who use it and why prohibit – ECO Foundation (video YouTube)

Uploaded on Apr 20, 2011

ECOfoundationTV |

More information on : http://www.ecofoundation.it – The properties of hemp, from textiles to paper, ending all’ fuel oil, a plant in the secret ecology to help save the world. Provides reports for scoring this wonderful documentary.
Possible therapeutic indications of Marijuana:
Effects established by clinical trials against: nausea and vomiting, anorexia and cachexia, spasticity, painful conditions (especially nerve pain)
Effects relatively well against confirmed: movement disorders, asthma e glaucoma
Effects less confirmed against: allergy, inflammation, infections, epilepsy, depression, bipolar disorders, anxiety, dependence, withdrawal syndrome
Effects at the research stage against: autoimmune diseases, cancer, neuroprotection, fever, disorders of blood pressure.


La Fenice nests in pavements & gt; * The editorial Numerouno OnAir


"THE PHOENIX IS THE NEST IN ............... pavements."

"What has been will not. Nothing escapes this LAW "

A FEW MONTHS AGO, when it all started, WANTED FROM this sentence Louis Pawels, author with Jacques Bergier de "The Morning of the Magicians and historical director of the international magazine PLANET, to take stock of what has happened and what continues to happen in Italy on the side of the struggles Anti-prohibitionist. "What has been will not. Nothing escapes this LAW "was the favorite phrase of his friend Haldane, which opened the Editorial of the issue 24 the magazine edited in September / October 1968.

It's been exactly 46 years since those days of October when the legendary magazine was distributed, the age of the writer. It was then the beginning of something that seemed all. He dreamed of a great upheaval of Western civilization, from east to west, which would have involved and informed of every aspect of existence itself, even, or especially, mental structures, the ability to generate the same worlds through a regenerated awareness of the infinite potential of the human being.

We are in the process of awakening people and something in these dawns of 2014 has brought us back to those same frequencies of profound transformation and radical. But this time behind the locked doors to unhinge, there is the revolution of the paradigms of sexuality and ideology. No, this time, as we are concerned there is to free a millennial friend of the human. An ancient and beneficial PLANT, that is able to heal the body and mind of those who make good use, in the same manner in which it is able to regenerate and to clean up even the earth where it grows. Its seed is the most extraordinary nutrient that our science recognizes nutraceutical. Its active ingredients essential, cannabinoids, have proven to be of extraordinary anti-cancer agents, besides confirmed as decisive elements than the neuro-biological welfare of the people, especially the elderly.

YET THE HANDLE IS LOCKED ... ..this is struggling in Italy out of the climate of obscurantism prohibitionist who like a suffocating cloak cultural policies imposes informative medieval, ture the ears of a whole community than those that are the incontrovertible scientific findings on beneficial nature and enormous potential of CANNABIS.

A criminal law and crime-procedural defect has been abrogated by unconstitutional.
But what it came after resembles, to date, more of a mess than a real Italian lasagna breakthrough in terms of social policies, health, legal and cultural.
Policies still in our beautiful country INCAPABLE definitely going in the direction of the HARM REDUCTION STRATEGY indicated by the European Union as a PRIORITY.
And equally incapable, made of a gravity capital at a time of crisis like the present, to release, EXTRAORDINARY CASTING ON and the GREEN ECONOMY that may arise at all levels, from the optimization of the cultivation of hemp / cannabis.

The plant with two names and 3000 uses. All good. Should be precisely, elsewhere, to question and reflect on the nature of the essentially schizophrenic "clichés of regime" on the grass. Surely it would interesting ideas of knowledge about the nature of "prohibitionism" and microphysics and psychodynamics of the imposition of cultural models, as well as on the relations, the unions and the synergies between Prohibition and drug mafias. And in the following pages you will find a summary and critique , as far as possible, date of what has happened in recent times on the side CANNABIS thanks to the collaboration with AXE, it can be useful to everyone to learn a bit 'more about the subject. Who writes, inter alia, is today a consultant psychologist at the Prison Administration, and is well aware of the difficulty of extricating between standards, changes and regulations for those who have the dis-adventure set out into this territory. So much so that even for "experts" sometimes becomes difficult. For this we consider the important contribution that we can commit ourselves to produce large and continuous disclosure and information on these areas.

Ma OnAir viaggia con le ali del vento e non riconosce confini illusori.
OUR VISIONS continuously EMBRACING THE PLANET, fondle him and chase him in the miracle of a seed that germinates as the screams of a child who runs away from the bombs raining down from the night.

OnAir intend to revive firmly the fundamental need to transit through the concept of the concept of SUSTAINABLE ECOSINTONICO.
The “SUSTAINABLE” is a narrow road that leads to the welfare of the person or, nor of the Earth.
A human being can get to “hold up”, in extreme conditions, sino a 2 times and + its own weight, but the man would call "happy"?
So we think that the OUR PLANET does not need other loads considered “SUSTAINABLE”, but needs HARMONY.
He asks actions and movements that are syntonic with the principle that animates, governs it and through it with consistency in every aspect of their every moment of life.


We have a priority here TODAY. Today we raise up our signal turning to all spirits above mixtures. We arrived early here, at the gates of the kingdom of the ether, on the highest peaks, where nothing obstructs the sun. Where no shadow can exist if projected from the firmament. Here there are no neon or buildings to make false the day. And it is from here, from this peak Eagle, that like the ancient Sioux, we have lit a fire to dry wood, then we have placed over grass and green branches and we used our blanket with tenacity; our "cloud" of smoke will not stop until our arms will have strength to shake and our minds firmly remember the words to "write" the message that the soul dictates.
At night there resign, and as the wise Navajo, to convey our messages, we will use flaming arrows, light signals can defeat the darkness at any time.

OUR E 'A MORAL REBELLION AGAINST A PRODUCTION SYSTEM capitalist which reduced the PLANET collapse. Against the enslavement wage dominant, that has impoverished so much human potential to make social communities of existential PALUDI, plague-stricken by the worst diseases, oppressed by the tyranny of neo-liberal, frequented by financial predators more hungry and literally vampirizzate from hordes of voracious pests that flock to the so-called "political class" of our democracies.

And’ A REVOLT Ethics, Pacifica & Creative, against the impoverishment of the self and he is the generation of new forms of support and promotion of the paradigm of Self-production and the contemporary and permanent sprigionamento creative human potential.
Based on the awareness of the infinite value of LIFE, we intend to contribute to the spread of a culture of human dignity, and come out in defense of any claim denied, against absolutism, and against Prohibition,, against the arrogance of power and against "mucilage of consumerism":::::::::>*

We believe in the absolute value of the Human Person and Environment Vitale, against all forms of marginalization, discrimination and social exclusion. In our inalienable vision, indeed, human being, living being and environment are inextricably linked, that are bound in a relationship of "two, but not two ".
We believe that the condition of the Environment, the place and the land where women and men live and work, is a reflection of the state of life of people who live there.
We always look to the person in relation to the environment, always placing it in a field of existence alive, that is the frame and mirror and which however the human being, è continuamente, a sua volta, il riflesso.

La Nostra Voce può essere FORTE come il rombo del tuono che annuncia la tempesta, and, a dire il vero, siamo magneticamente attratti dallo scintillio del fulmine, anche se, da inguaribili romantici, amiamo il sole, il mare e il tiepido libeccio.
Siamo come l’accensione di ventidue Ferrari e di duecento Harley messe insieme.
Perché il nostro è il suono di milioni di cuori che credono, e che amano la PIANTA e il PIANeTA >*

siamo nell’aria, ma scorriamo come l’acqua. Siamo OnAir.
E ricordate : “ LO SCIROCCO NON E’ AFA”

Grazje a Tutte/i e GANJA PRIDE sino alla VITTORIA !
October 2014
esse&i from 0nAir Planet >*11030_717677324987783_8890714000084321546_n


Canapa in Mostra

First edition of the hemp industry and medical

An event not to be missed!

the 31/10/2014 to the 2/11/14

The fair will be held at the Overseas Exhibition, participate in national and international exhibitors, all surrounded by concerts, exhibitions, kitchen, and more


We start now, calmly and always SENS'ANSIA, to download the first images of the wonderful experience of CANAPAinMostra: many meetings, frequencies fragrant and smiles intelligent and above all so much free thought and about the wonderful way of life that will save our country from the horrors of capitalism::::::: >*

And- dice OnAir- Excuse us if we're a little’ “SLOW”, but bear with me, we still have to unpack ... .., but stay in touch with your PERSONAL 0nAir FREQUENCY ... and we will not disappoint >*

The influential protectors 0nAir, from experiencing the success of the release of ... number1 >*
Dice OnAir : “Gratitude is a generous plant, to reap a rich harvest, but that can only grow and develop on the grounds clean.”
This is why we are really looking forward to the magazine and try to express our gratitude to this wonderful city and fellow CanapainMostra, Show of Oltremare, Emanuele Cristina and all the boys “Fumerò”...... .and Latter say: Let us take the uaglioni as a promise!
Ganja until the Pride Victory >* 😉

Presentation OnAir Magazine> * Palermo-Garibaldi Theatre 25|ott|14

Locandina jpg

In view of the imminent release of N. 0/1 OnAir Visions&Revolutions, the new quarterly

Regeneration Eco-Syntonics, scheduled for the end of October 2014, with formal presentations in
program in Palermo 25 October 2014 at the Teatro Garibaldi Kalsa and Rome in November 2014 (location to be defined), publish the press release from the Editors, anticipating of the content of the magazine in the service of the battle for the legalization of hemp / cannabis:

We are in a new phase of awakening and something dawns of these 2014 We reported at frequencies never "off" profound and radical transformation. This time behind the locked doors to break up, for that matter, There is an age-old friend of the human.
It is to unleash an ancient and beneficial PLANT, that is able to heal the body and mind of those who make good use, in the same manner in which it is able to regenerate and clean up the earth where it grows.

Its seed is the most extraordinary nutrient that our science recognizes nutraceutical and active ingredients essential, The Cannabinoids, have proved to be an extraordinary anti-cancer agents, as well as continue to be a decisive element in relation to the welfare of the neuro-biological Person.

BUT I CAN HANDLE THE REMAINS LOCKED in Italy, it is hard to get out of the climate of obscurantism
prohibitionist than a suffocating pall cultural policies requires information medieval, his ears to a wider community than those who are incontrovertible scientific findings on the qualities and enormous potential of Cannabis.
A criminal law and crime-procedural defect has been abrogated by unconstitutional, but the one that looks like it came after, to date, more of a mess than a real Italian lasagna breakthrough in terms of social policies, health, legal and cultural.
Policies still in our beautiful country INCAPABLE definitely going in the direction of the HARM REDUCTION STRATEGY indicated by the European Union as a PRIORITY.
And equally incapable, made of a gravity capital at a time of crisis like the present, to release, EXTRAORDINARY CASTING ON and the GREEN ECONOMY that may arise at all levels, from the optimization of the cultivation of hemp / cannabis.

We intend to repeat firmly the fundamental need for transit through the concept of the concept of SUSTAINABLE ECO-syntonic.
We think that the OUR PLANET does not need other loads considered “SUSTAINABLE”, but needs to HARMONY and asks actions and movements that are syntonic with the principle that animates, governs it and through it with consistency in every aspect of their every moment of life.
From October with you …for the Hemp / Cannabis, the plant with two names and 3000 uses, all good!

The Editors of


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