who is onair

S a l v e a t u t t i d a O n A i r !

V i s i o n i & R and v of L in the and of n and > * P e r R i g e n e r a r e i l P i a n e t a
I l p r i m o m a g a z i n e d e l l ‘ Er a L i b e r a t a, produced by “ViS”>*
ViSUAL INSiGHT SYSTEM - Communication Agency&Print Dr. Sandro Inzerillo.
Il progetto OnAir It concerns the construction of a quarterly magazine with national distribution (the first issue, a special number, double face, zero/0><zero/1 (32 once. + 32 pag.), was presented at the second edition of SATIVA TRADE SHOWS in Fermo 2014., In the same year , October has been printed and distributed in 10.000 copies the No.1 with 84 pagine.
Today we arrived, Ranked # 6 with distributed from August / September 2016 a 96 more cover pages.
The Director is responsible Marcello Baraghini, historical founder of ALTERNATIVE PRESS: OnAir is duly registered at the Court of Rome as a supplement to Alternative Press.
The "price" symbolic of the cover is 0,99 cent. (susceptible to slight changes during construction) and is used to cover the cost of national distribution, about 104 pages on uncoated paper, formato 16,5 ×23,5.
The magazine is distributed in all the newsstands in Palermo, Trapani and Province ( more than 1000 points) with AENNEPRESS, main newsagents, in all grow-shop in Italy and in the circuit of independent bookstores and the world of associations with Complementary Distributions.
OnAir >* Magazine It is "Development ecosintonico and harmonious, decrescite di Felici, green economy but also education, network and rights.
A publication produced in collaboration with the'Association "SerendiPA" (which is proposed as a new window on the world of interactive Rights Environment-related and new ways of experiencing the world eco-harmony, whose name is inspired by the “serendipità”, ma che è anche l&#8217;acronimo di Solidarietà, Ethics, Responsibility for the New Rights of the Person in the Environment), impegnata nella battaglia per la divulgazione delle proprietà curative della Cannabis e per l’affermazione del DIRITTO di CURA con i Farmaci Cannabinoidi e che collabora alla redazione, and it helps to support the magazine.
Based on the awareness of the infinite value of human potential, we intend to contribute to the spread of a culture of human dignity and come out in defense of any claim denied, against absolutism against Prohibition, against the arrogance of power against the bad taste of the market and against "mucilage" of consumerism.
Since our number ZER0 / 0 we have addressed the issue of Cannabis Law and treated on the setting of the failure of prohibition, New International carried out in the field of social and health policies, of policies to promote and stress of 'U.E. to reintroduce the cultivation of hemp and the extraordinary green and healthy economy that potentially this plant can trigger and which has already produced. Our Quarterly sees just in 'emblematica storia della pianta di cui stiamo parlando il simbolo da riscattare di un economia sana e verde, based on a relationship with the planet of respect and value creation.
We follow and disclose also all that goes in the direction of the use of cannabis in various sectors and fields. Insights dedicated to the potential of Canapa come coltura fito-terapica nei terreni contaminati e seguiremo i progetti sperimentali già in atto in Puglia nei terreni dell&#8217;ILVA che vedono l&#8217;impiego intensivo della coltivazione di Canapa, for its exceptional absorption properties of heavy metals, as a solution to the serious pollution of entire areas.
We also talk about bio-edilizia, di eco-architettura e dell&#8217;antichissima storia dell&#8217;impiego di Canapa nella costruzione e dello scenario attuale e delle aziende che in questo settore merceologico a vario titolo si occupano di questa pianta e che ci appaiono come formidabili esempi di tali potenzialità.
The brand of this plan is the magazine: d'Erba houses - the bio-homes Hemp and the use of natural materials in the building industry - And the target of readers it addresses this space consists of careful people to welfare choices and naturalness compared to their homes and a segment of critical and sensitive consumers of eco-tune themes.
With informative windows and also popularizing the Chain of Hemp Textiles in Italy, its history, on the present scenario and the various realities in our country. The brand of this plan is the magazine: The grass on the skin - dressing Hemp and Natural Materials and is aimed at those who wish to rediscover the simplicity and freshness of nature in their clothing and to a type of demanding consumer and is aware of the valuable natural fibers with respect to their own health and comfort.
We believe that the information, the promotion and support of alternative views of the relationship with the land, of different ways of understanding business enterprise, growth and economic development, should be a primary goal of our Magazine. OnAir will help to spread the knowledge and appreciation of innovative business realities, both for branding and for the way we approach customers by offering information and insights, and, in this sense, we will also nutraceuticals, sector which we intend to dedicate a permanent space where we will discuss the unique properties of hemp seed from the nutritional point of view as from the medical, while also providing concrete examples of its use in the kitchen and clearly explaining the benefits of its introduction into the daily diet.
The brand of this plan is the magazine: Mangiando la foglia feeding of hemp seed and nutraceutical properties of the world's richestand is aimed at people careful about their diet and role play regenerative food than the body and a critical segment of consumers, motivated to learn, interested in treating their well-being through the choices of natural products, unsophisticated, and raw materials of certified quality, and more and more convinced to guide their consumption in this direction.
Since no.00 OnAir have also helped us to houses Seeds Producers giving them a space entitled: Many Flowers, A Field Only: ... So many seeds around the major companies in Italy and Europe.
With the sincere hope to be able to realize a mutually profitable cooperation, best regards to all the people of OnAir >* Good to Tutt and Two-way * & Good Frequencies:::>>>>>>>>*
And presto,
Sandro -Direction Editorial OnAir-

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