Category Archives,The journey into the marvelous universe of cannabis cannot fail to foresee long and in-depth explorations of the constellation of breeders and the most important seed banks in Europe and in the world,Whoever sow is in the middle of the harvest and for us of onair it is very important to know the companies of seeds personally that we host in our magazine and their real frequencies ...,carrier of an interior conflict that is the emblem of this Italian Parliament,No sense of victory,It's not like winning Europeans at Wembley against England,If anything, a slight emotion,that of those who have always known that time you can't stop,and that history always arrives where the restricted minds of prohibitionists: paradise seeds

19 Dicembre 2019: Amanti della Cannabis, Segnatevi Questa Data!

A quanto pare l’aria di Natale, quest’anno, ha portato a qualcuno una buona dose di coraggio e di determinazione per iniziare a sanare una delle piaghe più infette del nostro ordinamento penale: la L.309/90>*

Ancora una volta, dove la Politica non osa e dove non arriva la forza dei Movimenti Civili, arriva la nostra Costituzione a salvarci attraverso una Giurisprudenza moderna e democratica……

E così c’hanno pensato le Sezioni unite penali della Cassazione nell’udienza del 19 dicembre scorso, chiamata a esprimersi su un ricorso presentato il 21 ottobre, a decidere che Coltivare Cannabis in casa, se le piante sono poche e per uso personale, non è reato, sancendo, attraverso quanto deliberato Giovedì 19 Dicembre 2019, that:

do not configure crime,"The cultivation activities of minimum dimensions carried out in a domestic form,For the rudimentary techniques used,The scarce number of plants,The modest quantity of obtainable product,The lack of additional indices of their inclusion within the DegliStupefacenti market,They appear exclusively for the personal use of the cultivator ",It is therefore sustained,unified,The thesis for which the legal good of public health does not come in any way affected or endangered by the single assaultor who decides to cultivate for themselves,some seedlings,And therefore it will no longer be croped to cultivate the cannabis at home in a minimum quantity “le attività di coltivazione di minime dimensioni svolte in forma domestica, that, per le rudimentali tecniche utilizzate, lo scarso numero di piante, il modestissimo quantitativo di prodotto ricavabile, la mancanza di ulteriori indici di un loro inserimento nell’ambito del mercato deglistupefacenti, appaiono destinate in via esclusiva all’uso personale del coltivatore”.

Viene dunque sostenuta, in maniera unitaria, la tesi per cui il bene giuridico della salute pubblica non viene in alcun modo pregiudicato o messo in pericolo dal singolo assuntore che decide di coltivare per se’ qualche piantina, e quindi non costituirà più reato coltivare in minime quantità la cannabis in casa.

The constitutional court that had already intervened several times on the subject,he had seen one here,rigorous line,Based on a simple principle,Cannabis cultivation is,always crime,Regardless of the number of seedlings and the active ingredient found by the authorities and even if the cultivation takes place for personal use,He claimed that,The cultivation of plants from which the active ingredients of drugs are extractable,might,Establish as 'dangerous',that is suitable to attempt to the health of the individual of the individual for the only fact of enriching the existing raw material and therefore to potentially create more occasions of drug dealing,And this guidance,except for some judgments isolated e,counter-current,like that of, aveva sin qui sposato una linea rigorosa, basata su un semplice principio: la coltivazione di cannabis è sempre reato, a prescindere dal numero di piantine e dal principio attivo ritrovato dalle autorità e anche se la coltivazione avviene per uso personale.

Si affermava che “la condotta di coltivazione di piante da cui sono estraibili i principi attivi di sostanze stupefacenti” potesse “valutarsi come ‘pericolosa’, ossia idonea ad attentare al bene della salute dei singoli per il solo fatto di arricchire la provvista esistente di materia prima e quindi di creare potenzialmente più occasioni di spaccio di droga”.

E questo orientamento, tranne qualche sentenza isolata e “controcorrente” come quella del 2011, where it was affirmed that,a single plant of,It cannot be considered 'offensive' given that "it is not suitable to endanger the good public health or public safety",It has a jurisprudence blocked on the prohibitionist axioma,Moreover, perfectly married by the directory line that with the decision of,March,He had pulled the noise to the recognition of cannabis cultivation right for personal use,Now the change of course seems obvious,And if there is not really a reversal of the principle of prohibition court,At least it seems to see a turning point in the long journey of the release of the principle,active,denied,Read THC,These days of holiday lunches and Christmas dinners una sola pianta di cannabis non può essere considerata ‘offensiva’ dato che “non è idonea a porre in pericolo il bene della salute pubblica o della sicurezza pubblica” , ha sin qui prodotto una giurisprudenza bloccata sull’assioma proibizionista, peraltro perfettamente sposato dalla linea della Consulta che con la decisione del 9 marzo 2016 aveva tirato il cappio al riconoscimento del Diritto di Coltivazione di Cannabis per Uso Personale.

Ora il cambio di rotta sembra evidente, e se non c’è proprio un ribaltamento del principio di colpa proibizionista, almeno ci pare di intravedere un punto di svolta nel lungo cammino della Liberazione del Principio (attivo!) negato (leggi THC).

And now, in questi giorni di pranzi di festa e di cene natalizie, After enjoying the appetizer of the maximum provisional issued by the Court after the hearing of,December,let's wait,Sens'ansia,without stress,The reasons for the pronunciation,power,let's hope,toast,Together with the year that will come,Also at the time of the rule of cannabis in Italy,esseì from 0nAir Planet,Comments,The number four of Onair "The right seed" at the new extraordinary and political price of,especially the medical one,The rights card,report su,Many alternative visions of being 19 dicembre, attendiamo “sens’ansia & senza stress” le motivazioni della pronuncia, per potere, magari, brindare, insieme all’anno che verrà, anche al Tempo Nuovo del Diritto di Cannabis in Italia.

esseì from 0nAir Planet >*



released in 2016 e disponibile anche online il NumeroQuattro*>Il Seme Giusto

A t t u a l m e n t e i n D i s t r i b u z i o n e i n E d i c o l a (by AENNE PRESS DISTRIBUTORE) e nei GROW-SHOP (by I-grow DISTRIBUTOR) IL NUMERO QUATTRO di OnAir “IL SEME GIUSTO” al nuovo prezzo straordinario e politico di 0,99 cent dedicated to the Cannabis Seeds (indicates, Ruderalis, Sativa) and the plants resulting therefrom, many valuable resources for use, soprattutto quello MEDICO.
In questo numero anche:
La Carta dei Diritti
La ricetta del Rick Simpson Oil
L’impresa di Paradise Seeds in Cile
report su “A che punto è la Notte?”
e interventi dell’Avv. Carlo Alberto Zaina, Mario Capanna, Marcello Baraghini & Tante Visioni Alternative dell’Essere

Daya e la Green Medicine Revolution in Cile

Q u e s t a d o l c i s s i m a b i m b a d i n o m e EMILIA, that thanks to the Cannabis defeated a brain tumor, It is the small testimonial Project Daya, the first, in all of Latin America, which provides for the legal cultivation of medicinal cannabis.
The FUNDACION DAYA is a non-profit organization whose goal is to promote research and alternative therapies to relieve human suffering.
The documentary follows -available unabridged YouTube– shows the world a model of development of health policies related to cannabis and MANAGED BY THE PEOPLE.
Save it! Cannabis is a World Heritage Site '. It can not be left in the clutches of companies who think only of profit.
The documentary film of Geek Media, It is produced by Paradise Seeds, the Dutch seeds company always actively involved in the dissemination and promotion of information, initiatives and projects related to medical cannabis.

paradise seeds

Paradise LogoV E N T A N N I D I P A R A D I S E >*

Luc Krol, its founder, this year celebrates its twentieth year of its activity, ed è per noi motivo di autentico piacere incontrarlo ad Amsterdam nella storica sede di Gravenstraat 12 to congratulate him and to talk about the beginnings of his extraordinary adventure, the new challenges of Paradise and its future prospects and professional human, than, clearly, to talk about seeds, seed and abundant fragrant collected.

OnAir: Well, Meanwhile WISHES Heart LUC for this Heavenly Goal, and then suffered a curiosity: are the 16 and 45 of 6 June 2014, Where were you twenty years ago, on this day and at this time??

Luc: (Smiles) I do not remember exactly, I think in my lab cannabis, to work ...(Laughter)

OnAir: Ok, and now we are trying to follow a certain order (we think you'll like it!).

How to Grow in a Report of Paradise Seeds > Twenty Years in a Map: Il Seme, il Terreno, le Cure (e il Lavoro per far Crescere la Pianta), i Raccolti (which are always the most beautiful, if you are well worked!).

OnAir: IL SEME, or early:When and where did your relationship with cannabis and its cultivation ?

Luc: : My passion began when, boy, a friend took me to the GanJia South America, la fumai, I liked the effect, and I fell in love with the plant. I wanted to have more, and I thought to cultivate, I was captivated by its smell, by fragrance, by the way there grew.

The plants were from Colombia, my friend, I was olandese, lived on an Island, Aruba*, where many Colombians brought grass and seeds.

So I started to grow my plants here in Amsterdam, from these seeds.

OnAir: And when "germinates" the idea of ​​PARADISE SEEDS PROJECT and commercial premises such as where you started ?

Luc: It 'was an accident.

OnAir: A case of serendipity?

Luc: No, a sort of accident! Mine was a hobby, a passion: I loved to do genetic crosses and select, I had my jars where I kept various types of seeds, I had a couple of hundred different crossovers and kept them in the fridge! But for me this was fun, also to get some 'grass to smoke, to give to friends and a few coffee shops, to which this herb really loved. They began to wonder more and more seeds because they had a lot of requests from people who came from outside, American, italiani…

Sai, in the 80s there were many hippies Italians in the Netherlands, who wanted to bring these seeds to grow at home. So the coffee shop I was asked to sell regular seeds. The first three years was not a commercial activity, but one day, a bad day, the police came in squat where I lived and where I cultivated to confiscate all. I was crying, I was very sad, But I also thought of the many other seeds and plants I had elsewhere, so I knew that I would have started. But the police warned me, mi these: "Watch out boy, you'll end up in prison, you do something illegal ". Then I answered them: "What I do is not illegal: produco i semi, I do intersections, I select varieties. Mine is a study, serious work ". The police then asked me if I had a company seeds, and I said "Yes", I had always thought of doing it even though I had not yet formally constituted: and it was true. In realtà, every time I smoked, I could see my company as in a dream ...

After a few days, in fact, I went to the Chamber of Commerce to fill in the necessary forms and, by notarial deed of 1994, I do not remember the exact day, I regularly open Paradise Seeds Company.

OnAir: Fantastic, rather STAR! Grant us now a second curiosity: how did you get to choose the name and the brand ParadiseSeeds ? And 'the fruit of a specific branding or randomness, or rather the "serendipity" (serendipity), played its role?

Luc: As I was saying, proving the beneficial effects of cannabis and living day after day with this plant, I dreamed of creating a seed company and called it "paradise" because this plant made me feel in heaven and I really believe that there is no need to go up to Heaven to find out the Eden, but you can get there with this little seed and what it produces.

(Luc shows us one of his seed, n.d.r.).

OnAir: The GROUND: Dove born Paradise Seeds and eats born May proprio lì? Where did you start to grow your plants?

Luc: It all started right here, This shop in Gravenstraat 12, twenty years ago, and I as I said, at that time I was living in a large squat about a hundred yards from here.

There was also Patrick with me…(risate e sguardi nostalgici al suo complice collaboratore, n.d.r.)

OnAir: And now the hardest part: The Cure and The WORK to Grow Plant (business course!) Anyone who follows at least the work of companies like yours is immediately aware of how your is a form of ACTIVISM of COMPANY, a business enterprise that combines inseparably the pursuit of profit with a commitment to generate impulses for social and cultural change that creates value for the greatest number of people possible. What is the BUSINESS PHILOSOPHY & the MISSION that inspired you when you start your entrepreneurial journey? And How were the early years of commercial development?

Luc: Our mission is to spread the seeds of cannabis in the world.

We think that this plant should be grown anywhere because it inspires people, relaxes the, le cura e, in fact, is a unique and versatile medicine. And this was the main source of inspiration at the beginning of Paradise project, and the ethical basis from which we started.

At the same time we are aware that a company: many people can live and work with us. We invest heavily in communication and visibility of our products we have made available to everyone via the web and social media. Today there can be a business that people do not know that there! And this visibility allows us to circulate information on the positive uses of the plant. But, beyond the marketing methods philosophy remains the same: a product of excellent quality, to produce beneficial herb. E 'increased in recent years, the demand of seeds feminized, whereas in the past it was predominantly that of regular seeds, and many people use our seeds according to their needs and their programs, but the basic element is a product of excellent quality.

Our business ethics is to develop original cross: others take our quality and, da lì, combine their. Ok, I think that there is anything wrong with that, but, for me, I pledge to make my original qualities and remain faithful to this mission.

I have no secrets, point to the quality.

OnAir: And tell me, Luc, as the competition between Seeds Company, considered the sharing of mission antiprohibitionist?

Luc: Competition is everywhere, dear Sandro, if you are not competing are dead. I wish Paradise Seeds is recognized as the best seed company in the world and the others are fighting for their goals and then you will understand that the competition is fierce: others do a lot of advertising and we can not do the same. If you stay still, you get eaten by sharks.

We are not sharks, we like to have good relations with other classmates and our result but we aim to.

OnAir: ... And which ones, in these twenty years of growing business, the best moments, those time when you felt that you could do it, i “Paradise Magic Moments”?

Theuc: Any time is a magic moment, each time from a tiny seed grows a beautiful plant, and this is valid for every grower.

Growing the plants well gives you a great personal satisfaction. E poi la odori, the smoke and you are satisfied. But there are also awards the rest of the world, the cannabis cup, i straight, accomplishments and when you hold a bowl in your hands you feel like a world champion.

OnAir: As an entrepreneur in the field of Cannabis Seeds, look like much debate on the RIGHT to HEMP under way in several countries (USA, Canada, Italy, just to name a few) and as the company that ParadiseSeeds Ethics is committed to bringing forward?

Luc: We try to promote various events that contribute to the knowledge of the medical effects of cannabis, we have launched programs to assist with the production of legal medical cannabis in countries where this is allowed, such as Canada, l’Uruguay, Chile. Wherever there are initiatives to promote knowledge of Cannabis, we are present.

Stiamo lavorando per avere una licenza per avere un coffee shop in Olanda perché c’è troppa quantità di erba illegale che va a finire nei coffee shop e questo non piace al governo. In the future, in the Netherlands the entire crop will be regulated, I think that on one hand it is good because it will take away resources to crime, On the other hand sing, I would prefer that there was freedom for small local farmers.

OnAir: Luc, we trust you all the way, tell me: do you think there is a risk that the giants of the Bio-Tech (MONSANTO typos, n.d.r.) you Avventino on what for them would be an endless field of profit?And what is your vision of the international scenario with respect to these possible processes?

Luc: The danger is real, it is obvious that there are many interests turned to the possibility of acquiring rights (patents) on specific genetic modifications (pattern genetici). Of course, at the moment this would be illegal as regards the Cannabis, but in the future more and more companies will be interested in this.

The Uses of Cannabis are many, and each of these will invent a way to make profits, make tablets, polverine, capsule, will do anything for their helpful. E’ un’industria da miliardi e miliardi di euro.

People all over the world begin to discover the remarkable medicinal properties of the Cannabis, and all these bio-tech companies are ready to use all their resources and knowledge to produce their products "designer".

It is therefore important that the prohibition ends, because people are not a slave to pills and pharmaceutical companies, but with the self-cultivation can have available a wide range of natural products for different uses. You can get so much stuff from the plant Cannabis: herbal teas, oil and flour from the seeds, you can make the mother tincture, and of course you can get excellent medical herb to smoke, You can do the abstraction resin (smiles).

And 'how to make the tomato in your garden, the tomato is very healthy and can overcharged several things…Cannabis is like tomato, only that its medical potential, Drug, Nutritional, Industrial, are much higher.

People should have the right to cultivate for their own needs and for their own pleasure and not be forced to go to the pharmacy to buy medicine. Of course, those who just want to go can always do, but it is important that there is freedom of choice.

OnAir: Finalmente è tempo di RACCOLTO, the moment in which the fruits are gathered, or flowers, of their work ... The moment you also BUDGET, o la “pesa”, Results of & SUCCESS to calibrate further than the horizons of development and to implement some processes ... Let's start with SUCCESS: What are the goals, achieved in the past twenty years from Paradise, you consider most important and why? How was your personal "Stairway to Heaven"?

Luc: Awards and accolades aside, spent every day to take care of Cannabis for me is a great day. Every day is a success.

For me it is a fun, one thing that makes me feel good, even with the people I work with, with those that match.



(Luc Krol excerpts taken from OnAir Numerouno) VAI AI SITO DI PARADISE SEEDS