All posts by Sandro Inzerillo

Ecco a voi il>*NumeroTre>*Alla Luce Del Sole

A t t u a l m e n t e i n D i s t r i b u z i o n e i n E d i c o l a (by AENNE PRESS DISTRIBUTORE) e nei GROW-SHOP (by I-grow DISTRIBUTOR) NUMBER THREE OnAir “ALLA LUCE DEL SOLE” al nuovo prezzo straordinario e politico di 0,99 cent.
The first of THREE HUNDRED READERS OnAir we have come to find joyful & rivoluzionari nel nostro stand a CanapaInMostra a Napoli lo hanno già ricevuto insieme a UN SEME DI CANNABIS da Collezione del tipo CRITICAL femminizzata OFFERTO da ROYAL QUEEN SEEDS >*
Altri DUEMILA SEMI FEMMINIZZATI da COLLEZIONE della ROYAL QUEEN SEEDS saranno omaggiati con il NUMERO 4, in distribuzione da GENNAIO 2016, al costo di copertina di 0,99 centesimi di euro!!!! -(L’iniziativa è riservata ad un Pubblico Adulto)-
Vi aspettiamo quindi in Edicola e nei GROW-SHOP e non vediamo l’ora di essere letti dal maggior numero di lettori e di stoners italiani >* 😉
We will continue to produce critical thinking on the inconsistencies of Prohibition Nostrano and we will continue to give off pure sound of inner freedom, to enjoy without any fear of the many and majestic property of AMAZING PLANT which is dedicated OnAir>*
Cosa Aspettate ??? Correte a procurarvi OnAir NumeroTre e ad informarvi sull’uscita del NumeroQuattro >*!!!

Nuovacopertinan.3 copia

| 10 | Editoriale
| 14 | Il sogno della locusta
| 16 | Cosa succede in città
| 20 | La nuova legge italiana sulla Cannabis
| 28 | I 190 firmatari della legge
| 30 | Medical Cannabis Bike Tour, – peace, love and pedals –
| 38 | The Amazing Story of Ganja Jo
| 46 | Regina Josè Galindo
| 50 | Canapa in Mostra
| 56 | AMS Traffic
| 58 | Custom Art Rolling Papers: SNAIL
| 60 | Senz’
| 62 | Rototom Sunsplash
| 66 | Indica Sativa Trade III
| 70 | Guy McPherson e la funzione demoniaca del potere
| 74 | La Vuoi Passare o no? di Giancarlo Cecconi
| 82 | Il sorriso dell’ignoto lettore

Presentation OnAir Magazine> * Palermo-Garibaldi Theatre 25|ott|14

Locandina jpg

In view of the imminent release of N. 0/1 OnAir Visions&Revolutions, the new quarterly

Regeneration Eco-Syntonics, scheduled for the end of October 2014, with formal presentations in
program in Palermo 25 October 2014 at the Teatro Garibaldi Kalsa and Rome in November 2014 (location to be defined), publish the press release from the Editors, anticipating of the content of the magazine in the service of the battle for the legalization of hemp / cannabis:

We are in a new phase of awakening and something dawns of these 2014 We reported at frequencies never "off" profound and radical transformation. This time behind the locked doors to break up, for that matter, There is an age-old friend of the human.
It is to unleash an ancient and beneficial PLANT, that is able to heal the body and mind of those who make good use, in the same manner in which it is able to regenerate and clean up the earth where it grows.

Its seed is the most extraordinary nutrient that our science recognizes nutraceutical and active ingredients essential, The Cannabinoids, have proved to be an extraordinary anti-cancer agents, as well as continue to be a decisive element in relation to the welfare of the neuro-biological Person.

BUT I CAN HANDLE THE REMAINS LOCKED in Italy, it is hard to get out of the climate of obscurantism
prohibitionist than a suffocating pall cultural policies requires information medieval, his ears to a wider community than those who are incontrovertible scientific findings on the qualities and enormous potential of Cannabis.
A criminal law and crime-procedural defect has been abrogated by unconstitutional, but the one that looks like it came after, to date, more of a mess than a real Italian lasagna breakthrough in terms of social policies, health, legal and cultural.
Policies still in our beautiful country INCAPABLE definitely going in the direction of the HARM REDUCTION STRATEGY indicated by the European Union as a PRIORITY.
And equally incapable, made of a gravity capital at a time of crisis like the present, to release, EXTRAORDINARY CASTING ON and the GREEN ECONOMY that may arise at all levels, from the optimization of the cultivation of hemp / cannabis.

We intend to repeat firmly the fundamental need for transit through the concept of the concept of SUSTAINABLE ECO-syntonic.
We think that the OUR PLANET does not need other loads considered “SUSTAINABLE”, but needs to HARMONY and asks actions and movements that are syntonic with the principle that animates, governs it and through it with consistency in every aspect of their every moment of life.
From October with you …for the Hemp / Cannabis, the plant with two names and 3000 uses, all good!

The Editors of
