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Liberarsi dai vampiri>*

Let's get rid even in Italy by parasites that infest our car the RIGHT and OUR ECONOMY.
Free ourselves DAI …VAMPIRES prohibitionists >*

contro i vampiri
Worldwide are clear the disastrous effects of the so-called “war on drugs”. Prohibition in eighty years of absolutist and repressive policies produced more damage than opium could produce in a thousand years. Cannabis then over the failure of any prohibitionist approach is to point out how long ago, for nearly two decades, in the US and Europe has taken note of the need to consider the CANNABINOIDS for what they are: a class of substances, that have a price endogenous, essential for the psycho-physical-cell of the human body. And consider the CANNABIS for what it is: ONLY a plant from the many potential, Nutritional, energy, Medical, Industrial…
Only in the US in recent years, this turnaround has given off by an economy 4/5 billion dollars. Prohibition is a disease democratic economy. A form of institutional parasitism burning resources and human lives and produces holes by millions of Euros. Let's get rid of this in Italy “cancer” democracy. Europe requires it for years now our politicians, and soon we all will pay a hefty fine for conditions not decent Italian prisons, that are full of people arrested for cannabis!
Let's get rid even in Italy by parasites that infest our car the RIGHT and OUR ECONOMY.
Free ourselves DAI …VAMPIRES prohibitionists >*

Growing as the path of Liberation Staff

FREEDOM’ comes from our heart, we discover every day, when faced with the IMPOSSIBLE’ dictated by SYSTEM OUTSIDE, instead we decide to fight and to invent a way to NOT STOP BEING OURSELVES.

And’ a struggle waged moment by moment, first of all within us, against our negative aspects, And’ a struggle “transformative” whose main weapon is the ability to become every time the largest of its ghosts, their fears, their pettiness. and’ also a struggle “inclusive” because by doing this you include the other constantly in the process of growth and liberation from the oppressive functions.

Taking care of crops and Prohibitions we found that cultivating a plant is more than “have a bit of grass to smoke”. And’ a way of life and the construction of meaning, is a journey of growth and emancipation. It certainly represents a unique opportunity to connect with the harmony that, despite human stupidity, reigns supreme in the universe.
The cultivation of a plant also erase the differences of race, religion, political beliefs, social class and cultural, as the stages of life is based on a higher order, on an absolute law and ineffable.

We met great people taking care of GROWING, people who have become traveling companions, accomplices in sprigionamento of our beloved plant, in the advance towards our RIGHT, to the day soon our GANJA PRIDE .................. ..>*
... And this is for them ::::::::::::::::::::::::: >* 😉


“because marijuana was prohibited”


Of marijuana (Spanish), o cannabis (latino) o hemp (English) is a plant that could be called miraculous, and has a long history as much as that of humanity. The only plant that can be grown at any latitude, from the equator to Scandinavia, has many healing properties, grows fast, it costs very little to maintain, provides a high quality oil (easy to digest), and has provided, the most ancient civilizations up to the beginning of the last century, approximately 80 percent of each type of paper, textile fiber, and fuel that mankind has ever used.

And then, what happened? And’ success in that period occurred the dramatic overtaking industry to the detriment of agriculture, and this overtaking cannabis was clearly the victim number one.

The nascent US industry groups aimed mainly to the exploitation of oil for energy (Standard Oil – Rockefeller), of forest resources for paper (editore Hearst), and man-made fibers for clothing (Dupont) - All areas in which they had invested large amounts of money. But they faced, each on its own soil, This powerful opponent, and joined it to form an alliance strong enough to beat it.
The only way to be able to slice through the legs of a giant of that size proved the Ban. Lawlessness. He left then a media operation of demonization, Quick, extended ed efficace (“drug of the devil”, “damn grass” etc.. ), thanks to the same Hearst newspapers (is the famous character of Citizen Kane / Kane, di O. Wells), who had one in almost every major city. Sensitive to the cash, and always looking for topics easy to hold popular, Hollywood followed suit willingly to maneuver, contributing decisively to put the seal on the coffin of cannabis (a sin. the poster of the movie “Marijuana: killer of youth – Un tiro, party, a tragedy”).

The moral condemnation was traveling fast and unchallenged from coast to coast (there was no counter!), and from there on to pass a law that would put cannabis was outlawed child's play. Also because it seems that three-quarters of the senators who approved the famous “Marijuana Tax Act” of 1937, still in force, did not know that marijuana and cannabis were the same: it was the genius of Hearst to introduce the nickname, shuffling the cards for the occasion.
The fact is that from that moment Dupont flooded the market with its synthetic fibers (nylon, teflon, lycra, kevlar, All trademarks are original Dupont), the car market is finally addressed the use of the gasoline engine (the first engine built to work with Diesel fuel plant), and Hearst began the systematic destruction of the forests of South America, wood from which he drew in a short time the paper enough to bring down the little that was left of competition.

The choir of benefactors joined the consortium later tobacconists, who generously offered to remedy all of a sudden "market gap" with a product one hundred times more harmful than cannabis itself.

E le “Multinational” Today, that strongly influence all major Western governments, are not the direct descendants of the historical alliance, born in the '30s, among the great industrial families. (If someone were to ask why did not the cannabis is legalized for medical use, that, despite the positive findings in that regard).

As a textile product, Cannabis is about four times softer than cotton, four times more hot, it has three times the tear strength, takes infinitely more, has fire retardant properties, and requires no pesticide for growing. Come fuel, with the same return, costs about one-fifth, and as support for printing approximately one-tenth.

We made the deal of the century.
Written by Massimo Mazzucco for

Massimo Mazzucco, Italian film director and journalist, runs from 2003 Website, engaged in the dissemination of conspiracy theories.
In the 2011 wrote and produced the video The true story of Marijuana.

Full documentary al link